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swastika in graveyards and tombstones
Posted By Sarin on Feb 21, 2014     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Swastika is a symbol of good luck, Peace and prosperity. This is perhaps the reason why ancient tombstones were inscribed with swastika. Such tombstones are mostly found in south Asian countries like Vietnam and parts of Europe and America. After the death of the Nazi party, swastika symbol was removed from all such tombstones as it was generally seen as the symbol of hate, evil and war. Still, some of the religious followers do not hesitate in engraving their ancient cultural symbol in the tombstone of their late family members. In this article, we will see the use of swastika in graveyard and tombstone across the world.
Swastika in Kentucky cemetery, USA
This is the tombstone of BON-Tran in Kentucky cemetery. Unlike other graveyard found across the world, this graveyard is of the late twentieth century which means that even after the corruption of swastika symbol by the Nazis, many ancient Americans regards  swastika as their cultural symbol and proudly use it in their ceremonial rituals. This is apparent from the fact that the engraved swastika is not like the tilted swastika of the Nazis, but like their ancestral sacred symbol of happiness and prosperity.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones  
Swastika in Abbots Creek, North Carolina, USA
Abbotts Creek
Cemetery of North Carolina is the burial place of Germans who migrated here before the start of world war. This Cemetery is a burial place for 5000+ furniture maker’s families that lives in the lake front homes of high rock lake. Distinguishing fact of this cemetery is that the wooden tombstones are designed by own family members and not purchased from the market. In addition to swastika, tombstone is decorated with floral, Christian cross, fire moon and other symbol to ward off the evil from the soul and body. Residents believe graveyard as the home of their family members (who died) and decorate it with ornamental stones, quilt, and blossoming flowers. Stones are designed in such a way that they look like a grass-made human being talking with each other.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones  
One of the graveyards of Abbotts Creek churchyard, North Carolina
Swastika in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago
Below is the swastika symbol from Graceland Cemetery, Chicago. This pictorial representation at the entrance of Graceland cemetery is meant to wish mental peace and prosperity to all the visitors especially the ones who come to remember the late family members on their birth or death anniversary. Unlike other graveyard that is poorly maintained, this cemetery is like a beautifully landscaped park adorned with souvenirs, flowers and leaves. Short grass in ample of left over space is good enough to rest and chat like the families normally do in a picnic spot.  
swastika in graveyards and tombstones  
Swastika in Graz, Austria
Below tombstone shows a tilted swastika with the German description “He died for the struggle of great Germany”. This tombstone is at Graz, second largest city of Austria. Tilted swastika, a symbol of Nazi party is banned in Austria since the end of Hitler rule. As per the Austrian law, one who promotes this symbol is a criminal and is subjected to face a prison term for few years. Despite of complaints from local residents, government has not yet removed this tilted swastika from the tombstone. While most of the residents are yearning to remove this evil symbol, there are some who are opposing such a move as they believe it to be their cultural symbol of peace and prosperity. To support their claim, they refer to the pre-Hitler engraved swastika tombstones found across the various parts of the country.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones

Swastika in Faslane Cemetery, Scotland
Below is the grave of Mary G Browne from Faslane Cemetery at Garelochea, Scotland. Mary Browne was the member of Boy Scout, a worldwide organization of young boys and men first founded in England for skill development and citizenship training. Swastika was inscribed as the good luck emblem in all medals of Boy Scout. These medals were awarded to boys who excelled in training, service, life-saving acts and meritorious goals. Clockwise swastika at the top with Boy Scout logo embellishes the dome of the tombstone.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones  
Swastika in cemetery of Japan
Swastika is called as Manji in Japan. Swastika is used to represent Buddhist temples in Japanese maps. In Buddhism, swastika represents righteousness and balance and can have several meanings like love, strength, intelligence and compassion. In general, swastika symbolizes eternity but the meaning changes depending upon the direction it is pointing to. 
swastika in graveyards and tombstones
Swastika in Nha Trang and Mui He, Vietnam
Swastika is widely regarded as the symbol of hope, peace and prosperity in Vietnamese culture. Nha Trang is the bustling coastal city of Vietnam well known for beautiful beaches, resorts and tourists spots.  Away from the beaches, if you move into the countryside, you will find swastika all around as swastika is deeply rooted in indigenous culture of Vietnam. Below is one of the graveyards from Nha Trang province of Vietnam.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones
One of the graveyards in Nha-trang, Vietnam

Almost all tombstones in Vietnam are inscribed with bold swastika. Mui ne is one more coastal city of Vietnam where swastika is found in abundance across graveyards and tombstones. Swastika symbol is also auspicious to Russian who owns most of the restaurants and resorts in the city. Below is the swastika graveyard of Mui ne city

swastika in graveyards and tombstones
Is there any tomb without swastika?
Below are some of the other graveyards with swastika symbol in other part of Vietnam. It is strange that instead of cremating the body, Buddhist of Vietnam follow the burial process of decomposing the death body. I guess Vietnam is the only country where Buddhist buries the dead body. Traditionally, Buddhist follows a week long funeral ceremony to free the soul of dead body from evil and rebirths.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones
Swastika near river Jary, Brazil
On a remote island in Brazil near the tributary of river Jary, author Jens Gluessing found a nine feet long Wooden Christian cross with swastika at the top of the cross. It carries the inscription that states this cross to be the tombstone of 'Joseph Greiner’, the explorer from dutch who died of fever on his way to expedition of Brazil.

swastika in graveyards and tombstones
Brazilian native tribe at the grave of Joseph Greiner

Locals confuse swastika symbol with symbol of Nazi party. This is perhaps the reason why they call this site as the ‘Nazi graveyard' but as you see above, swastika symbol is not tilted and hence, does not refer to the symbol of nazi party but the ancient sacred symbol of peace and prosperity.
Most of the South Americans are unaware of the significance of swastika and its use by the mayans and Native Americans. Swastika was used by Navajo, Hopi, Apache and other American tribes in murals, quilts, rugs, pots etc centuries before its meaning was officially ruined by the Nazi party. Below is the swastikas inscribed bricks used in the construction of houses, graveyard and tombstones.
swastika in graveyards and tombstones
This article is intended to reclaim the lost significance and importance of humanity earliest symbol ‘Swastika’. Swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘svastika’- "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. Swastika signifies the symbol of good luck, prosperity, peace and fortune. After its association with German Nazi party, this ancient symbol has faced a sad transition from a good luck symbol to symbol of evil and adversity. Swastika is still widely used as a good luck symbol in Asian countries like India, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. This symbol has a great spiritual meaning and significance in Hinduism and its derived religions like Buddhism and Jainism.
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