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Pain of communal violence in my few words

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Pain of communal violence in my few words
Pain of communal violence in my few words
मेरा बाप मर गया , मेरी माँ-बहन भी मर गयी
में देखता रह गया ,मेरी दूकान भी जल गयी
गद्दार नेताओं और बिकाऊँ मीडिया ने कुछ ऐसा खेल रचा
जिससे उनका propagaganda और व्यापार चल गयी
- Sarin Mall

Hit hard at the right time in a right place win matches

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Hit hard at the right time in a right place win matches
Always hitting hard doesn't win matches. Being tired quickly, you lose easily. Hitting hard at the right time in a right place in a deceiving way win matches
- Sarin Mall

Control your five senses to control your life

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Control your five senses to control your life
I have ordered my eyes to not get distracted by the beautiful face as beauty often kills. I have ordered my ears to not get enchanted by a beautiful voice as such voice often lies. I have ordered my nose to not get attracted to pleasant smell as such smell often seduces
- Sarin Mall

Life is like a game of tennis

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Life is like a game of tennis
Life is like a game of tennis.Many people will come in your life and strike games on you. Learn to strike back harder & harder or be prepared to live like a loser
- Sarin Mall

Even garbage can be used for something nice

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Even garbage can be used for something nice
After hours of physical efforts, delicious food is when ready
We sit in the porch of the house to relish rice with curry
For such an experience, adventure camps charges bucks in plenty
Just a little innovation & effort can save lot of your money

Before i end, i want to give one advice
Even garbage can be used for something nice
Don't reject things/friends as you see them useless
You never know in what form god will bless
- Sarin Mall

Give back to mother earth what you take from her

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Give back to mother earth what you take from her
Nature gifts huge amount of trash(dry leaves) on my home daily
Collecting leaves & cleaning has become our usual activity
As giving back to mother earth what we take from her is our philosophy
Burned leaves+wood ash is used as a fertilizer in plants and trees
(Above is ladyfinger plant)
- Sarin Mall

Make non-veg items out of the house

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Make non-veg items out of the house
As dead bodies has negative energies,
I avoid cooking at home non-veg delicacies
Spent hours in making this wood stove
To cook non-veg items in the gallery

Though fire makes the utensils black and dirty
its worth as cooked food is extremely tasty
Rice when boiled separates,tastes soft and fluffy
Drink leftover rice water for robust & sound body
- Sarin Mall

Play hard to achieve decisive breakthrough

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Play hard to achieve decisive breakthrough
when the opponent is hitting hard on you,
Play slow & soft, let all his energy flew
When he is tired, exhausted & drained out
Play hard to achieve decisive breakthrough
- Sarin Mall

Things that attract the eyes are usually difficult to maintain

Posted 4 years ago by Sarin

Things that attract the eyes are usually difficult to maintain
Things that attract the eyes are usually difficult to maintain.So,when classy girls attract your eyes, turn your head around or life will be difficult to sustain
- Sarin Mall

Bell is rung in temples to

Posted 5 years ago by Sarin

Bell is rung in temples to
Bell is rung in temples to
1) Inform the meditating deity about your arrival
2) To awaken the soul within
3) Spiritually energies the atmosphere
4) Attract people attention towards arti
5) Dispel the insects,bugs,virus etc. For disease-free surroundings
- Sarin Mall

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