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swastika good luck coins of American insurance companies
Posted By Sarin on Jan 05, 2014     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Swastika is a 10,000+ year old sacred symbol that has been used in religious ceremonies since millenniums by Hindus, Buddhists and much similar civilizations to denote good luck, fortune and prosperity. Swastika good luck symbols were not widely used as a brand name but were also imprinted on buildings, products, doors, temples, churches etc. In preceding articles, we saw the use of swastika good luck coins in American clothing, manufacturing and recreation industry. In this article, we will see the use of swastika as a good luck symbol in 100 year old coins of American insurance companies/organizations.

Swastika coin of the Peoples Loan and Trust Company
Peoples Loan and Trust Company was a small sized insurance company based in Rushville city of Indiana State. Below (left) is the swastika good luck coin given by them to customers who opened an account with them. Company name and branch building is engraved on the front of the coin whereas back of the coin is impressed with swastika and other good luck symbols.
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
Swastika coins of The Homesteaders insurance Company
Founded in 1906 at Des Moines, Homesteaders Life Company provides financial products, insurance, and related services to the funeral industry. Philosophy of Homesteaders founders was to provide long term security to its clients/customers and plan their funeral related activities in advance. This is one kind of unique company whose 8,000 offices are located at funeral homes owned by different funeral home owners, directors, priests and insurance professionals. Surprisingly, all of the Homesteaders services has been rated A or above by Standard & Poor’s with most of them falling in the AA- range.
Below is the swastika good luck coin that was given to their customers in the early twentieth century. Policy no of the customer and the message of notifying the beneficiary on death or injury are written at the front of the coin. Back of the coin is like any other swastika coin with a giant swastika enclosing various other good luck symbols.
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies  

Swastika coins of The Goldstein insurance Company
Goldstein Insurance was a small sized insurance company based in Phoenixville city of Pennsylvania State. Like any insurance company, this company advertised various lucrative offers/benefits to lure customers to open an account. Each of their swastika coins were redeemable for 2$ on every purchase of clothes worth 20$ or more. Below is the swastika good luck coin given to customers who opened an account with them.
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
Swastika coins of The Kokomo trust Company
Below is the good luck swastika coin of Kokomo trust company with the message “Keep me with you and you will always have good luck” and the bank building on other side of the coin. Opened in 1902 at Main & Mulberry streets of Manhattan, Kokomo trust company was the leading insurance company that provided mortgage, vehicle and other insurance to its customers.  
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
Swastika coin of Jefferson County Building and Loan Association
Established in 1892 by Jackson fredrick dixon at birminghaam city of alabama state, Jefferson County Building and Loan Association was a small company providing land and saving benefits to its customers. This company is active even today and is known as Jefferson Federal Savings and Loan Association. Below is the good luck coin of Jefferson County Building and Loan Association with the company name at the top and its location at the bottom of the coin. On the front is the image of Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of United States.
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
Swastika coin of Johnston Brokerage Co.
Founded in 1912 at Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, Johnston Brokerage Company was one of the foremost window glass companies of Pittsburgh. It sold best-selling high quality car window glass of all brands and cars. According to an advertisement in the gazette times dated jan18, 1915, Johnston Brokerage Company was known for its excellent customer service and had annual revenue of 0.1 million dollars.
Below swastika coin of Johnston Brokerage Company reads ‘If you buy window glass from Johnston Brokerage Company, you will have good luck’
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
Swastika coin of  national bank of Syracuse
Founded in 1885 at Syracuse in new york city, national bank of Syracuse is today known for its role in commerce in the late eighteenth century. It was one of the premier financial institutions committed to providing the best customer service through the use of modern technologies. It provided banking products and services in various domains like agriculture, automobile, farming, ranching, dairies etc. below swastika coin of national bank of Syracuse says ‘If you open a 4% interest rate account with your wife, then you will have good luck’. Good luck was conveyed through various symbols enclosed within swastika at the back of the coin. Front side of the coin has the bank name and address at the bottom.
Swastika good luck coins of american insurance companies
This article is intended to reclaim the lost significance and importance of humanity earliest symbol Swastika. Swastika is derived from the Sanskrit word svastika, "su" meaning "good," "asti” means "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. Swastika signifies the symbol of good luck, prosperity, peace and fortune. After its association with German nazis, this ancient symbol has faced a sad transition from a good luck symbol to symbol of evil and adversity. Swastika is still widely used as a good luck symbol in Asian countries like India, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. This symbol has a sacred spiritual significance in Hinduism and its derived religions like Buddhism and Jainism
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