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Neanderthal man and hominid species in Ramayana
Posted By Sarin on Apr 07, 2013     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

One of the most important characters in ramayana are Vanaras. Ramayana Never mentioned Vanaras as monkeys. As per the description laid out in Ramayana, Vanaras are special species of humans that looked like monkeys. Lord Hanuman, king Sugreev, Nal & neel(Sons of Celestial architect Vishwakarma) were some of the Vanaras mentioned in Ramayan. Valmiki also indicated that this species was dominant in southern part of India and ruled more or less whole of south India including Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and other south east countries. In this article, we will see the various evidences that shows Neanderthal or Homo sapiens were a different species that co-existed with man. Later due to survival of the fittest and various ecological disturbances, this species became extinct
Meaning of Vanaras
Vanaras is formed by combining two sanskrit words - Van (meaning Forest) and nara(meaning human). So vanaras literally means- humans who dwelled in forests. However, some of the Sanskrit scholar’s states that Vanaras also mean "Humans who looked like monkeys", noting the fact that monkeys also dwell in forests. Vanaras were definitely not Monkeys since monkey is called as vanakapi or kapi or markata in Sanskrit.
Why finding evidences of Neanderthal man is difficult in India?
According to archeological and scientific evolutionary studies, Neanderthal was a species that inhabited Europe, Africa and western Asia, starting some 2, 30,000 years ago. Neanderthal man had a hyoid bone which enabled them to speak and look like humans very closely.  Though some evidences of Neanderthal man were found in Indus valley civilization, finding any solid evidences of ancient primates in India is not so easy as Indians follows a very long cultural tradition of burning bodies after death, no matter if they were animals. Furthermore, bones in Indian peninsula decay in few thousands of years. This makes it even more difficult to find traces of Neanderthals man in India.  

Neanderthal man(Left), Lord Hanuman (Vanara) hugging lord Ram*(Right)

What the indologist says about Neanderthal man and Ramayana?
Some of the indologist thinks Ramayana to be a historical story of very ancient times when Neanderthals and home sapiens existed on earth, while some of the Indian and European scientists claims of Neanderthals existence some 7000-10000 yrs ago having a tail, resembling very closely with Vanaras like lord Hanuman and king Sugreev. Some of the historians suggest Vanaras to be Neanderthals that lived in South India at least 5, 00,000 years ago but some of the indologist believes Vanaras as a separate species like hominids or apes found only in south East Asia. Description mentioned in Ramayana matches with the anthropological modern day descriptions of Neanderthals except th features of tail. Both Vanaras and Neanderthal had sloping foreheads, hairy bodies, protruding jawbones/mouths etc. The reason why modern day anthropologist didn’t find a tail was because the tail of Vanaras was boneless and hence decomposed within few years. If you read the description of Vanara kingdom (Kishkindha) then you will find that it clearly resembles a network of connected underground mountain caves.  

Caves of Kishkindha kingdom in hampi, Karnataka

This is what the modern day anthropologists say about Neanderthals man who lived in caves. Obviously, Vanaras were physically different than Manavas(Humans), but definitely they were not monkeys. Actually the problem with most anthropologists and historians is that since vanaras don’t exist today, they are trying to imagine Vanaras in terms of something or somebody they know or have seen and hence, compare them with Homo erectus and Neanderthals man. May be they were a different species altogether.
Ramayana also says about bear like man(Yetis)?
Not only monkeys like animal is mentioned in Ramayana, but also bear like living beings. Jambavantha(Bear like man) mentioned in Ramayana is similar to Yetis in other parts of the world. Yetis are also known as snow man, said to be found in icy regions of world. There are many stories based on such characters though no fossils fuels have been found to conclude their presence. Bear is called as bhalluka in Sanskrit and hence, Jambavantha was definitely not bear but resembled very closely Bears, just like vanaras resembled monkeys.

Jambavan(Left) and yetis(Right)

Evidences from Ramayana that Vanaras were Neanderthals man
According to Ramayana, Vanaras existed all around in the world but were dominant in south India, especially in Kishkinda kingdom, a small place near Hampi in modern Karnataka. When Rama decided to attack Lanka, King sugreeva(Head of Vanaras) summons Vanaras from all over the world to join the Lord Rama army in south India. Vanaras from across the world were very excited to help lord rama and came from regions like Himalayas, Vindhyas (modern Madhya pradesh), Meru (in modern tibet) etc. Further, there are mention of some places not found anywhere in India like Dhumragiri, Ajjanparvat etc. Valmiki also explicitly stated that Vanaras came from far off places where the sun always shines or is always set. Any wise person will immediately understand that Valmiki is talking about Polar Regions. Since no evidence of Vanaras are found anywhere in the world, it can be inferred that Ramayana is a very ancient story, at least few millions of years old. Those days, south India was full of dense forests, a fact clearly evident from the present sahyadri range. Valmiki clearly stated that Vanaras looked like monkeys and had traits of monkeys. For Ex:  Valmiki referred to members of Vanaras army as kapi kunjaraaH, which in Sanskrit means elephant sized monkeys. Valmiki inferred that Vanaras were not like normal small monkeys but a different species of monkey, having a strong physique and traits of monkeys like Neanderthal man. Valmiki also used terms like nityam asthira-chitta, meaning one whose mind fickle endlessly(traits of monkey) and kapitam anavastitam which means one who cannot stay in one place for a moment (traits of monkey).  

Evidences from Mahabharata that Vanaras were Neanderthals man
In Mahabharata, when lord Krishna Encounters Jambavan (the bearman from Ramayana), lord Krishna says that Jambavan is one of the last surviving creatures of its kind. Lord Krishna also says that since his species have vanished, he is not welcomed in society anymore. Jamabavan(blessed with long life by lord Rama) lives in caves. Lord Krishna says the same thing to Lord Hanuman (Blessed with immortality) thus implying that lord Hanuman was the last among the Vanaras.  

Jambavan requesting lord Krishna to accept her daughter

Mahabharata (History of 3rd millennium (3076 BC)) validates the fact that Vanaras and Yetis like species have become extinct. Thus, Mahabharata confirms the existence of lord Rama and all species mentioned in Ramayana. I don’t see any reason why Sage vyasa should mention about Jambavan(Irrelevant to the story) if he intended to write a fictional story of war between Pandavas and kauravas. This implies that Ramayana is a very ancient history of India which made it ways to other civilization in America, Asia and Europe etc.
Ramayana and Mahabharata are Indian history, not mythology
Ancient historical records in Sanskrit clearly states Ramayana and Mahabharata as Itihaasas(history), not stories. In my articles, I have detailed at least fifty evidences of both Ramayana and mahabharata. Even 18 Puranas(Meaning “Story of ancient times”) confirms the details mentioned in Mahabharata and Ramayana. Valmiki or sage Vyasa never said they were writing stories.  

Sage Valmiki, a pure soul will not say fictional story as history

There is no need to detail out geographical locations, astronomical data, and chronological orders etc in fictional stories. Ancient Indians never had the tradition of writing stories since they were never short of real life heroes.  
There is no contradiction in Ramayana and Mahabharata
Some of the western authors declared Ramayana as having contradiction. Just because Valmiki in one place as referred Vanaras as monkeys and other place as human-like monkeys, it doesn’t contradicts anything. Mercury is both an element as well as planet. It has dual meaning and hence its symbolism depends upon the situation.
For EX: let us assume that cats are totally wiped out of earth and some sage has written exclusively on cats as pets. Few millenniums later, when people will start reading these books, they might think that People used tigers as pets since they don’t have any fossil remains of cats but they have wild tigers that are not extinct. Some people will claim this story as false since tigers cannot become pets. While others will say tigers say Grrrrr and not meow. Tigers don't drink milk and are not small enough to be domesticated. What a crap!!! Hence proved, sages wrote a fictional story.
Why modern science doesn’t believe in Ramayana and Mahabharata?
Problem with science is that they cannot approve the historicity of Ramayana since it says about talking conscious vultures, monkeys etc, all of which shows a reverse evolution. i.e ancient humans were more advanced and conscious than present humans.

Lord rama treating talking Vulture ‘Jatayu’
Also note the fact that Indian scriptures state the degrading level of yugas and hence, humans in kaliyuga(Present age) are spiritually and consciously less advanced. This is the fact scientists are finding hard to digest as they believe they are superior and more advanced than all preceding humans. Problem with most scientists is that they try to fit everything into the current set of theories and if they find anything which doesn’t fit in current scenario, they discard it. In 1st  century AD, earth was regarded as the center of the static universe but today, universe having no center, is said to be ever-expanding. People usually say, we follow a blind faith or religion but there are many scientific theories that are totally crap and were believed as true few centuries ago. Believe in science but comprehend the fact that everything written in scientific books are not proven science.
Vedic culture existed everywhere
Historian wrongly claims that Vedic culture existed only in India. Evidences of Vedic culture are found in places as far as Russia, Europe and America. Recently, 1500 year old Lord Vishnu idol was excavated in Russia.  

Idol excavated in Russia
Check below link

Geography in Vedic texts covered entire earth and not just India. For EX: In Vedic text, arctic region is called as Ilavrta Varsha but today, nobody knows arctic region by that name. All the European languages have linguistic roots in Sanskrit. Max muller and other western authors tried their best to show their false dominance by misrepresenting facts and blunders theories like Aryan invasion theory but ultimately the truth came out and Vedic civilization has been proved indigneous to india. No other texts except Indian ancient texts talks about history beyond 10,000 BC.
Theory of evolution is totally crap
Evolution theory is a total crap theory. Evolution theories say chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys as our ancestors, all of which exists today. Why only some of the chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys evolved as man while others remained as it is. Just because Darwin saw some adaptation happening in some isolated island in one of the species, he derived a theory out of that and fooled everyone to believe in it. Just because he found adaptation changes in one or two species, he created a generic theory and applied it on all animals. There is no reason why I should buy such unproved shortsighted theories. Modern Day anthropologists have found skeletal remains of both Neanderthals (Tribal’s cave man) and Homosapiens(Humans) at the same sites dating back to the same time period. This confirms the fact that different species of humans co-existed and evolution theory is a crap.  Actually, there is nothing like evolution, only there is adaptation. All species that adapted to the environmental changes around them survived while all other species became extinct. For ex.: Cat, a carnivore have adapted to vegetarian food. Similarly, humans have adapted to both vegetarian and non vegetarian diet. Humans always co-existed with other species of its kind like Vanaras, Homo erectus and Neanderthals man.

Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman (Last of the extinct species ‘Vanaras’)
  Our earth has possibly gone through massive global destructions like Volcanoes, asteroid impact, earthquakes, cyclones, tectonic movements, ice age etc all of which totally capable of wiping out some of the weak species.

Today, most of the Indians have become so westernized that they have become pseudo-scientific and hence, doubts our ancient historical records. But at the same time, western world is moving toward Indian scriptures to dig out some clues about our ancient past and supreme universal truth. Now I end up by asking a question to you
Given the fact that Ramayana occurred millions of years ago in Treta yuga, do you believe that some kind of hominid species like Bear-Humans and monkey-humans existed at that time?

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