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Bhagavad Gita Poetic Translation-Text 5
Posted By Sarin on Apr 21, 2012     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Short context of bhagavad gita: King of hastinapur had two sons: Pandu (elder) and Dhritarahstra (younger). Son (duryodhan) of dhritarashtra deceptively took the throne of hastinapur forcing the sons of pandu to fight a battle to reclaim the throne with lord Krishna guiding them (Arjuna).  
Original Translation:
Dhrishtaketush chekitaanah kaashiraajashcha veeryavaan;
Purujit kuntibhojashcha shaibyashcha narapungavah.

“Drishtaketu, Chekitana and the valiant king of Kasi, Purujit, and Kuntibhoja and Saibya,
The best of men of human society,
Poetic Translation:  

King (duryodhan) should encourage his ministers by narrating their strength and valour of his warriors and army men.
King should convince his ministers that they are invincible.

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