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ekdanta vakratundaya english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
Posted By Sarin on Sep 10, 2013     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

याकयानणग गणदेवताय गणाध्यक्षाय धीमहि ।
O leader of the whole mankind
O divine god of the whole mankind
O Representative of the whole mankind
On you, We focus(meditate) our mind
गुणशरीराय गुणमण्डिताय गुणेशानाय धीमहि ।
Embodiment of all personalities
One adorned with nobilities
Lord/Master of moralities
O lord,We meditate on thee
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
You are beyond the three manly attributes
One who has mastered all forms of virtues
One who is in the midst of all Qualities
O lord, we pray to thee
EKDANTAYA VAKRATUNDAYA english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।
Lord with one tusk
Lord with curved trunk
Created from Gauri body
O lord, We bow to thee
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥
O Lord/Master of Elephants
On your forehead is moon present
The sacred Ganas Lord
We meditate on you, O God
गानचतुराय गानप्राणाय गानान्तरात्मने ।
One who is very skilled in Music
One who in music is very lovesick
One for whom Music is the inner spirit
गानोत्सुकाय गानमत्ताय गानोत्सुकमनसे ।
Listening to music, one who exhilarate,
Listening to music, one who gets intoxicate,
For music, whose heart eagerly wait
गुरुपूजिताय गुरुदेवताय गुरुकुलस्थायिने ।
You are worshipped by all Teachers
You are the lord of all Preceptors
You protect the clans of mentors
EKDANTAYA VAKRATUNDAYA english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
गुरुविक्रमाय गुह्यप्रवराय गुरवे गुणगुरवे ।
In teachers, you instill bravery
You carry their prayers to Agni (deity of Fire)
Of all teachers, you hold the superiority
गुरुदैत्यगलच्छेत्रे गुरुधर्मसदाराध्याय ।
You help the mentors to destroy demon’s dynasty
You are worshipped by teachers for maintaining morality
गुरुपुत्रपरित्रात्रे गुरुपाखण्डखण्डकाय ।
one who rescues the children of Preceptors
From dangers of enemies and immoral partners
गीतसाराय गीततत्त्वाय गीतगोत्राय धीमहि ।
One who is the Substance of Music
The essential Essence of Music
On who potence the music?
गूढगुल्फाय गन्धमत्ताय गोजयप्रदाय धीमहि ।
One with rounded Ankles
intoxicated by sweet fragrances  
one who grants Victory over Senses
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
You are beyond the three manly attributes
One who has mastered all forms of virtues
One who is in the midst of all Qualities
O lord, we pray to thee
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।
Lord with one tusk
Lord with curved trunk
Son of goddess parvati
O lord, We bow to thee
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥
O Lord/Master of Elephants
On your forehead is moon present
The sacred Ganas Lord
We meditate on you, O God
EKDANTAYA VAKRATUNDAYA english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
ग्रन्थगीताय ग्रन्थगेयाय ग्रन्थान्तरात्मने ।
The Song within the sacred book
All bookish knowledge you took
You are the soul of all sacred books
गीतलीनाय गीताश्रयाय गीतवाद्यपटवे ।
One who gets immersed in music
Song for safety is sung by public
Through music, You are invoked by cleric
गेयचरिताय गायकवराय गन्धर्वप्रियकृते ।
One who is praised in the song
Musicians and singers throng (to sing)
All the gandharvas come along
गायकाधीनविग्रहाय गङ्गाजलप्रणयवते ।
Controlled by divine music (of singer), you bless singer
You are the force behind surging waves of Ganga River
EKDANTAYA VAKRATUNDAYA english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
गौरीस्तनन्धयाय गौरीहृदयनन्दनाय ।
One Breast Fed(cared) by Gauri Mother
one who filled her heart with pleasure  
गौरभानुसुताय गौरीगणेश्वराय ।
Bright (like sun) son of lord shiva
Salutations to Gauri and Ganesha
गौरीप्रणयाय गौरीप्रवणाय गौरभावाय धीमहि ।
One who is dear to gauri
One who follow her  invariably
One whose conduct is pretty
O lord, we meditate on thee
गोसहस्राय गोवर्धनाय गोपगोपाय धीमहि ।
You are protector of hundred cows
You are enhancer of all cows
O protector of mentors, we meditate on thee
गुणातीताय गुणाधीशाय गुणप्रविष्टाय धीमहि ।
You are beyond the three manly attributes
One who has mastered all forms of virtues
One who is in the midst of all Qualities
O lord, we pray to thee
EKDANTAYA VAKRATUNDAYA english poetic translation with hindi subtitles
एकदंताय वक्रतुण्डाय गौरीतनयाय धीमहि ।(2)
Lord with one tusk
Lord with curved trunk
Created from Gauri body
O lord, We bow to thee
गजेशानाय भालचन्द्राय श्रीगणेशाय धीमहि ॥(2)
O Lord/Master of Elephants
On your forehead is moon present
The sacred Ganesha Lord
We meditate on you, O God
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