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Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles
Posted By Sarin on Aug 12, 2013     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Check out the modern poetic english translation of my favourite song-hanuman chalisa

ुरुगीर्श  चरन  सरोज  रज  निज  मनु  मुकुरु  सुधारि 
बरनउँ  रघुबर  बिमल  जसु  जो  दायकु  फल  चारि 
Cleansing the mirror of my mind,
With dust of  holy Ram Lotus feet
I sing the glory of lord ram, the kind
Who bestow our life with four fold seed

बुद्धिहीन  तनु  जानिके  सुमिरौं  पवन-कुमार 
बल  बुधि  बिद्या  देहु  मोहिं  हरहु  कलेस  बिकार 
As I know, I am an ignorant moron,
I meditate on you, O son of wind,  
Honor me knowledge and wisdom
Remove all my faults, miseries and sins

जय  हनुमान  ज्ञान  गुन  सागर 
जय  कपीस  तिहुँ  लोक  उजागर  ॥१॥
Glory to hanuman, Ocean of knowledge and all qualities
Victory to monkey god, three worlds sings your glories
  राम  दूत  अतुलित  बल  धामा 
अञ्जनि-पुत्र  पवनसुत  नामा  ॥२॥
O lord Rama divine messenger
You have invincible strength ever seen
O loved child of ‘Anjani’ mother,
Known as pavanputra, son of wind

महाबीर  बिक्रम  बजरङ्गी 
कुमति  निवार  सुमति  के  सङ्गी  ॥३॥
You have unlimited courage and strength
You are extremely brave and valiant
On you, one attend wisdom and sense
Darkness and evil thoughts, you dispense
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

कञ्चन  बरन  बिराज  सुबेसा 
कानन  कुण्डल  कुञ्चित  केसा  ॥४॥
Your physique is powerful and sturdy
Golden hued clothes look pretty
Small ears and stud looks pleasing
Hair is very beautiful and curly
हाथ  बज्र    ध्वजा  बिराजै 
काँधे  मूँज  जनेउ  साजै  ॥५॥
On one hand, you hold mace
On the other, flag of victory
Sacred thread of victory you embrace
Around your shelter beautifully
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles
सङ्कर  सुवन  केसरीनन्दन 
तेज  प्रताप  महा  जग  बन्दन  ॥६॥
Reincarnation of lord Shiva, son of sri kesari
Whole world propitiate your luster and glory
बिद्यावान  गुनी  अति  चातुर 
राम  काज  करिबे  को  आतुर  ॥७॥
Supremely learned, clever talented hanuman
Devotedly always eager to serve shri ram

प्रभु  चरित्र  सुनिबे  को  रसिया 
राम  लखन  सीता  मन  बसिया  ॥८॥
Always eager and keen to listen
Stories of shri ram with devotion
Shri ram, brother lakshman and sita
Lives in your heart with devotion
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

सूक्ष्म  रूप  धरि  सियहिं  दिखावा 
बिकट  रूप  धरि  लङ्क  जरावा  ॥९॥
You appeared to sita in small form
Spoke very humbly, you were calm
Burned down lanka like a firestorm
Took gigantic form to kill all demon

भीम  रूप  धरि  असुर  सँहारे 
रामचन्द्र  के  काज  सँवारे  ॥१०॥
With overwhelming might, you killed all daemon,
Demonstrating talented skills to fulfill ram mission

लाय  सञ्जीवन  लखन  जियाये 
श्रीरघुबीर  हरषि  उर  लाये  ॥११॥
When brother lakshman was about to die,
To bring sanjeevani, you began to fly
After lakshman was restored back his life,
Shri ram embraced you with great joy.
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

रघुपति  कीह्नी  बहुत  बड़ाई 
तुम  मम  प्रिय  भरतहि  सम  भाई  ॥१२॥
Shri ram praised your excellence and worth
Said “You are dear to me like brother Bharat”

सहस  बदन  तुह्मारो  जस  गावैं 
अस  कहि  श्रीपति  कण्ठ  लगावैं  ॥१३॥
Thousand of living beings chant yours glory
Saying this, shri ram hugged you warmly

सनकादिक  ब्रह्मादि  मुनीसा 
नारद  सारद  सहित  अहीसा  ॥१४॥
Sheshnag, seers, sanak, brahma narrate your story
So do narad and goddess of knowledge ‘saraswati’

जम  कुबेर  दिगपाल  जहाँ  ते 
कबि  कोबिद  कहि  सके  कहाँ  ते  ॥१५॥
When yamraj, kuber and all deities sing your praise
How a small poet like me express your excellence

तुम  उपकार  सुग्रीवहिं  कीह्ना 
राम  मिलाय  राज  पद  दीह्ना  ॥१६॥
To sugriv, you render great help and service
Uniting with lord ram, you gave him throne
When Vibhisan, king of lanka, heeded your advice
Became known in lanka and entire universe
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

तुह्मरो  मन्त्र  बिभीषन  माना 
लङ्केस्वर  भए  सब  जग  जाना  ॥१७॥
As a child, when you saw sun mighty
Thousand miles away, burning fiercely
जुग  सहस्र  जोजन  पर  भानु 
लील्यो  ताहि  मधुर  फल  जानू  ॥१८॥
Thinking as a fruit, you flew to reach sun
Swallowed it after plucking from heaven
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles
प्रभु  मुद्रिका  मेलि  मुख  माहीं 
जलधि  लाँघि  गये  अचरज  नाहीं  ॥१९॥
Carrying lord ram signet ring in your mouth
Easily passed the mighty ocean travelling south

दुर्गम  काज  जगत  के  जेते 
सुगम  अनुग्रह  तुह्मरे  तेते  ॥२०॥
Burden of heavy tasks and uncountable obstacle
Was easily overcome by grace and benevolence   राम  दुआरे  तुम  रखवारे 
होत    आज्ञा  बिनु  पैसारे  ॥२१॥
O sentry of Shri ram abode palace
Nobody goes inside without your grace
सब  सुख  लहै  तुह्मारी  सरना 
तुम  रच्छक  काहू  को  डर  ना  ॥२२॥
Under your feet, one attains happiness and cheer
With you as protector, why one should fear

आपन  तेज  सह्मारो  आपै 
तीनों  लोक  हाँक  तें  काँपै  ॥२३॥
you alone can carry your splendid valor
Three worlds tremble on your solid roar
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

भूत  पिसाच  निकट  नहिं  आवै 
महाबीर  जब  नाम  सुनावै  ॥२४॥
Whenever devotees chant your holy name
Evil spirits, ghosts, and trouble never came

नासै  रोग  हरै  सब  पीरा 
जपत  निरन्तर  हनुमत  बीरा  ॥२५॥
All diseases, pain and sufferings tame
On recitation of holy hanuman name सङ्कट  तें  हनुमान  छुड़ावै 
मन  क्रम  बचन  ध्यान  जो  लावै  ॥२६॥
Lord hanuman rescues from all danger and affliction
Those who chant his holy name with sincere devotion

सब  पर  राम  तपस्वी  राजा 
तिन  के  काज  सकल  तुम  साजा  ॥२७॥
Keeping faith, if you worship ram as supreme lord
Hanuman removes obstacles, difficult tasks are cured

और  मनोरथ  जो  कोई  लावै 
सोई  अमित  जीवन  फल  पावै  ॥२८॥
whoever comes to you with any desire and like
Will secure the imperishable fruit of human life

चारों  जुग  परताप  तुह्मारा 
है  परसिद्ध  जगत  उजियारा  ॥२९॥
your glory is spread across the four ages
Your fame, entire universe claims & praises  
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

साधु  सन्त  के  तुम  रखवारे 
असुर  निकन्दन  राम  दुलारे  ॥३०॥
Savior and guardian of seers and sages
Slayer of demon, you are ram precious,

अष्टसिद्धि  नौ  निधि  के  दाता 
अस  बर  दीन  जानकी  माता  ॥३१॥
You grant eight siddhis, nine nidhis to devotee
Boon conferred to you by mother janaki

राम  रसायन  तुह्मरे  पासा 
सदा  रहो  रघुपति  के  दासा  ॥३२॥
You possess shri ram devotion and power
Always remain ram most dedicated follower
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

तुह्मरे  भजन  राम  को  पावै 
जनम  जनम  के  दुख  बिसरावै  ॥३३॥
Chanting your name, one reaches ram habitation
Get relived from pain of rebirth, attaining salvation अन्त  काल  रघुबर  पुर  जाई 
जहाँ  जन्म  हरिभक्त  कहाई  ॥३४॥
After death, when one reaches ram abode
In all future births, is born as devotee of lord

और  देवता  चित्त    धरई 
हनुमत  सेइ  सर्ब  सुख  करई  ॥३५॥
one need not worship other deities for propiation
Devotion to hanuman bring happiness and satisfaction सङ्कट  कटै  मिटै  सब  पीरा 
जो  सुमिरै  हनुमत  बलबीरा  ॥३६॥
every danger are overcome, all pains alleviated
If you worship lord hanuman without getting deviated
जय  जय  जय  हनुमान  गोसाईं 
कृपा  करहु  गुरुदेव  की  नाईं  ॥३७॥
Hail hanuman, victory over evil is firm and definite
Bless me with your grace, be my supreme guide
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles

जो  सत  बार  पाठ  कर  कोई 
छूटहि  बन्दि  महा  सुख  होई  ॥३८॥
one who recite hundred times hanuman chalisa
Enjoy bliss, is free of rebirths and bad karma

जो  यह  पढ़ै  हनुमान  चालीसा 
होय  सिद्धि  साखी  गौरीसा  ॥३९॥
He, who recites hanuman chalisa attains happiness
Ever blessing lord shiva himself is a witness
तुलसीदास  सदा  हरि  चेरा 
कीजै  नाथ  हृदय  महँ  डेरा  ॥४०॥
Tulsidas is the bonded slave of divine supreme master
Pray to lord hanuman enshrined in heart and soul forever
Hanuman chalisa English poetic translation with Hindi subtitles
पवनतनय  सङ्कट  हरन  मङ्गल  मूरति  रूप 
राम  लखन  सीता  सहित  हृदय  बसहु  सुर  भूप 
O embodiment of wind, destroyer of all sufferings
You are the symbol of auspiciousness and blessings
O hanuman, come & reside in our heart forever
With shri ram, lakshman and sita all together
English translation by sarin mall
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