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Origin of word Hindu
Posted By Sarin on Aug 10, 2013     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

False History of india
When the west were living in forest, eating off the meat of animals and doing hoo-haa-hoo, Land of India nourished a great civilization with bountiful palaces, rich luxuries, silk clothes and seers writing wonderful theories in Sanskrit. Racist westerners like German ‘Max Mueller’, working for Vatican City, was not able digest this true fact. They bribed some loose character Indians like romila thapar, D.N Jha and created false theories to subvert Indian history and prove that bible is the absolute truth. For them, big bang happened in 23rd  Oct 4004 BC, 9 AM, opposed to 14 billion yuga theory of Hinduism. All languages and mantras came from Sanskrit but these traitors wrote that Sanskrit came from European languages. And you know what, many so called educated Indians believe in such nonsensical shit written by our enemies. Ooh!!!How can anyone be so foolish?

Short glimpse of true history of India
Truth is there was no migration. Before the last ice age (10000 BC), Indian civilization existed all around the world. Look at all the ancient religions. All ancient civilization are symbolically and theoretically very close to Hinduism, even the civilization of troy and Atlantis. Only ocean to be named after a country is Indian Ocean. Our look, traditions, customs and beliefs were influenced according to the geographical region we lived in.  
For example: Look at the map below. Since present India was formed by two land masses (one from Africa and another from china), north Indians looks little different and have fair complexion compared to south Indians but nevertheless, both of them share the same culture and national heritage. Below image also reflects the picture on why the south Indians DNA matches with that of Africans.
Origin of word Hindu
Official name of India is ‘Bharat’(Bharat Varsha), named after the legendary king ‘Bharat’, son of rishabhdev and ancestor of lord Krishna. Bharat defeated all other kings of ancient world and brought whole of India (From Afghanistan to Indonesia) under one rule. Before the name ‘India’ was coined, ‘Hindustan’, meaning land of Hindus, was the terminology used by westerners to represent India. Indians preferred to call themselves as ‘Aryans’ and their region as Aryavarta, meaning ‘Abode of Aryans’

Origin of Word ’Hindu’
What we are taught in school is nothing but a “fabrication of history”. We are taught that “Hindu” is the corruption of ‘Sindhu’, the word coined by Persian due to their linguistics inability in pronouncing the word starting from ‘S’. However, if you read Persian dictionary, you will find more than 500 words starting from S. How come they were not able to pronounce ‘S’ Who talk such shit man? Even the word ‘Persia’ has ‘Si’, the prefix of ‘sindhu’.  
Now even if we assume ‘Hindu’ was derived from Sindhu(Name of rivers), then why the river name was not changed to Hindu or the region adjoining the river basin was renamed as Hindu. Even today, river is known as ‘sindhu’, adjoining areas are known as ‘sindh’ and the inhabitant’s dwelling there are known as ‘Sindhis’.  
Formation of Word Hindu
Word ‘Hindu’ is derived from HinduKush Mountain, which in turn is derived by combining the community name followed by king name. ‘Hindu’ was the term used to represent the community living in the mountainous areas of Himalayas, which was ruled by Lord Kusha(Son of lord Rama). Why the community was called Hindu? Because they were the inhabitants of Himalayas, and the inhabitants wore the customary bindu(central point) on their forehead, the point of connection with the divine supreme being.
Origin of word Hindu
Check the Bindu on forehead of Luv and kush

Combination of prefix ‘hi’ from ‘Himalaya’ and suffix ‘ndu’ of word ‘Bindu’ gave the name of community as ‘Hindu’. Since the story of Ramayana is at least 5000 years old, we can safely assume that ‘Hindu’ is not derived from ‘Sindhu’ and the word existed during the era of Ramayana.  
Meaning of ‘Word’ Hindu changed?
Since Hindukush was the most prosperous region in the whole Indian subcontinent, Persians attributed prosperity of Indians to Community residing in HinduKush Mountain. As a result, they coined the word ‘Hindu’ for all Indians, instead of referring to community residing in the hindukush Mountain.  
This is the reason why Persian used the word ‘Hind’ to denote nation. ‘Hind’ means nation, both in Persian as well as Arabic. Persians called India as “Hind Baar”, land of Hindus or “Waihind”, habitat of Hindus. However after the Islamic conquest, word ‘hindu’ was added as a derogatory word in Persian dictionary to denote ‘thief’, robber, ‘thug’, ‘dacoit’ etc. But in India, ‘Hindu’ was just one community and hence, the word was never used by sages and seers in their art and literature.

Epigraphic Evidences of Word Hindu
In the Persepolis, Hamadan and Naqsh-I-Rustam Inscriptions (dated 520BC-485 BC) of Persian ruler Darius, there is a mention of ‘Hidu’ tribe being added to this empire.  
Origin of word Hindu
Inscription on tomb of darius

Furthermore, ‘Hidu’ is one of the nation among the list of nations in inscription (485 BC-465 B.C.) of ‘Xerexes’(Succesor of Darious).  
Inscription (dated 404 BC-395 BC) at Tomb of Artaxerexes shows three figures as ‘iyam Qataguviya’ (Nation of Satygidian), ‘iyam Gadariya’ (Gandhara) and ‘iyam Hiduviya’ (Hindu).  
Word ‘Hidu’ is found more than 70 times in inscriptions on edicts of King Ashoka. King Ashoka was the Descendant of Lord Kusha and the most powerful king of modern era.
For Example, Consider the following inscription at Jaugadha(Line 3 and 4)
I desire for my people, including the people of Hind and beyond and I desire for all men.
Further, in lines 7 & 8, inscription says
  “Dharma may be followed and the people of Hind and beyond may be served.  
Inscription on edicts of king ashoka proves that the word ‘Hind’ has its roots in India and was used to represent India at least till third century B.C.”
Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature
Turkish library Makhtab-e-Sultania has an ancient anthology known as Sair-ul-Okul, Arabic poetry written in praise of lord Shiva.
Here, Prophet Muhammad (Founder of Islam) uncle used word ‘Hind’ for India and ‘Hindu’ for inhabitants dwelling in the hindukush region of India, Abode of lord Shiva. Sanskrit translation of this poem can be found in laxmi narayan temple of Delhi as shown below.
Origin of word Hindu
Some of the verses are:
Wa Abaloha ajabu armeeman Mahadevo Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru
If but once one worships Mahadev with devotion, One will attain the ultimate salvation.
Wa sahabi Kay yam feema Kamil Hinda e  Yauman  ,  Wa  Yakulam na latabahan foeennak Tawajjaru.  
(Oh Lord grant me but one day’s sojourn in Hind, where one can attain spiritual bliss.)
Massayare akhalakan hasanan Kullahum, Najumam aja at Summa gabul Hindu.
(But one pilgrimage there gets one all merit, and the company of great Hindu saints.)
Allah or Lord shiva
Most of the Turks believe that Allah is none other than lord shiva. Evidence is the above poem written none other than uncle of Prophet Muhammad. Second Evidence is worshipping black stone of mecca, which resembles Shiv lingam. Third evidence is not worshipping idols. All Hindus know that worshipping the idol of lord shiva is not recommended and so, is worshipped only in lingam form.
Origin of word Hindu
Left is the sanctum of lord Shiva lingam and on the right is the sacred black stone of mecca

Arabic Poem on Vedas
Another poem (dated 1700 BC, 2300 years before prophet muhammad) of the same anthology uses ‘Hind’ for  India  and ‘Hindu’ for a tribe in India. This poem also has mention of four Vedas: RigVeda , AtharvaVeda, Samaveda and YajurVeda. Check out this Arabic poem on pillars of Laxmi Narayan Mandir(Birla temple) in  New Delhi.
Some of the verses of this poem are:
Aya muwarekal araj yushaiya noha minar Hinda e, wa aradakallha manyonaifail jikaratun.  
(Oh the Divine  land  of  Hind  , blessed art thou, thou art chosen land showered with divine knowledge.)
Wahalatjali Yatun ainana sahabi akhatun jikra, Wahajayahi yonajjalur rasu minal Hindatun.  
(That celestial knowledge shines with such brilliance, Through the words of Hindu saints in fourfold abundance.)
Yakuloonallaha ya ahlal araf alameen kullahum, fattabe-u jikaratul Veda bukkun malam yonajjaylatun.  
(God enjoins on all, follow with devotion, path shown by Veda with divine percept.)
Wahowa alamus Sama wal Yajur minallahay Tanajeelan, Fa e noma ya akhigo mutibayan Yobasshariyona jatun.  
(Overflowing with knowledge is Sama and Yajur for Man, Brothers, follow the path which guides you to salvation.)
Wa isa nain huma Rig Athar nasahin ka  Khuwatun  ,  Wa  asanat Ala-udan wabowa masha e ratun  
(Also the two Rig and Athar(va) teach us fraternity, taking shelter under their lusture, dispels darkness.)
Evidence from Pahlvi Avesta
In the avestian script (dated 3500-2000 BC), Hapta-Hindu is used for Sapta-Sindhu. This indicates that the word ‘Hindu’ is at least 3000 years old. 163rd verse of Avestan Script ‘Shatir’ accounts the visit of ved vyas to court of Gustashp. Ved vyas(author of Mahabharata) introduces himself in presence of Zooraster(Founder of zorastrian) as ‘man marde am Hind jijad.’ translated as, I am man born in ‘Hind.’

Evidence from Hebrew Bible
Hebrew bible uses the word ‘Hodu’, a misnomer of Hindu, to represent India. Even today, natives of Israel use the word ‘Hodu’ to represent India.

Evidence from Chinese Documents
In ancient Chinese document (dated 100 BC) on travel of
Sai-Wang, Chinese annals used the term ‘Hien-tu’ (Hindu) as “Sai-Wang went towards the South and passing Hien-tu reached Ki-Pin”
Later Chinese traveler Fa-Hien (500 AD) and Huen-Tsang (700 AD) used word ‘Yintu’ to represent ‘Hindu’
Evidence in Indian scriptures
Though the term Hindu is not found in ancient religious scripture, the term is found abundantly in medieval ancient scriptures

Meru tantra (400-600 AD) says
  “Hindu is one who discards the mean and the ignoble.”
In Shabda Kalpadruma, Brihaspati Agam says,
  “Starting from Himalaya up to Indu waters is this God-created country  Hindustan”
Origin of word Hindu
Hindustan Of pre-islamic era
Parijat Haran Natak describes Hindu as,
  “Hindu is one who with penance washes one’s sins and evil thoughts and with arms destroys one’s enemies.”
Madhava Digvijaya states,  
”One who meditates on Omkar as the primeal sound, believes in karma & reincarnation, has reverence for the cow, who is devoted to Bharat, and abhors evil, is deserving of being called Hindu.”
Vriddha Smriti defines Hindu as,  
“One who abhors the mean and the ignoble, and is of noblebearing, who reveres the Veda, the cow, and the deity, is a Hindu.”
Brahaspatya shastra(400 BC) describes  
“Hindustan as the region stretching from the great Himalayas to the Indian ocean.”
Word ‘Hindu’ was later used by many Indian sages and seers to represent natives of India. For example, consider the following verse  
Sapta sindhu muthal Sindhu maha samudhram vareyulla Bharatha bhoomi aarkkellamaano Mathru bhoomiyum Pithru bhoomiyumayittullathu, avaraanu hindukkalaayi ariyappedunnathu.
Those who consider the land of Bharatha Bhoomi between Sapta Sindu and the Indian Ocean as his or her motherland and fatherland shall be known as Hindu.  
Himalayam Samaarafya Yaavat Hindu Sarovaram
Tham Devanirmmitham desham Hindustanam Prachakshathe
Himalyam muthal Indian maha samudhram vareyulla
devanirmmithamaya deshaththe Hindustanam ennu parayunnu

Both verses mean the same. Region between Himalayas and Indian Ocean is Hindustan and the inhabitants ‘Hindus’, irrespective of your caste and religion.  
Ancient Purana found in Sham village of Hoshiarpur, Punjab has the following verse:
himalayam samarabhya yavat bindusarovaram
hindusthanamiti qyatam hi antaraksharayogatah

Country lying between the Himalayan Mountains and Cape Comorin Sea (Bindu Sarovara) is Hindustan
References of word ‘Hindu’ as a tribe, is found in the Tantric literatures written in 800 AD. Furthermore, term ‘Hindu’ is also found in other scriptures like Adbhut Kosh, Ram Kosh, Medini Kosh etc.  
Difference between Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma
As cited above, word “Hindu” originally meant a community, and was later fabricated to represent Indians. Hence, Sanatana-dharma should be the more accurate term of our religion than Hinduism. Vedic religion or ‘Sanatana Dharma’ is the original culture of our ancestors but unfortunately, Indians have gradually adopted the word “Hindu” as their identity thinking that both are one and the same. But is this the case? Absolutely no. Difference between ‘Sanatana Dharma’ and Hinduism is that many rigid religious beliefs, contrary to Vedic culture, were added to Hinduism later. Hence, calling yourself a ‘Hindu’ does not make you the follower of Vedic culture. True Hindus prefer to call their religion as sanatana dharma. Essence of all Vedic scriptures including bhagavad gita and Upanishad help is to regain our forgotten spiritual self and its relationship with god.  
Origin of word Hindu
Realize your inner god

Hence, such knowledge is not meant only for Hindus, but for the entire human race because every soul has the right of re- establishing his relationship with god.
Be a proud Hindu
Though I do not like to call myself as ‘Hindu’, I do it casually as it is the term that connects me with the outer world. If I use Sanatana dharma then more than 90% of the attendees would not know what I am talking about as such a term are outside their vocabulary. I would continue to use Hinduism till the word ‘Sanatana-dharma’ is internationally recognized as ancient vedic culture.  
Sanatana dharma meaning ‘Universal truth’ encourages all followers to realize absolute truth by connecting with the divine Supreme Being through yoga and meditation. It means the eternal, unchanging relationship of the soul with the divine Supreme Being.  
Hinduism scriptures were written by conscious sages and seers as a guide to universal truth. All Indian scriptures say the same thing, “God is within you, the only thing is to realize it and let it connect with the consciousness of the divine to realize the ultimate reality of this materialistic universe.  
Hinduism believes only in divine consciousness and unlike other modern religions, does not have any hidden agenda of converting people of other faith (There is no concept of conversion in Hinduism)

Attack on Indian culture
If you want to be successful in life, then start your career by writing against the Hindus and Hindu civilization or tell the Vatican City on how backward and stupid the pagan Hindus are. Write on hindu-muslim riots, atrocities on minorities, Kashmir issue and you will start getting international awards. Want an example. D.N Jha, Arundhati roy(Christian with an Hindu name), Reporters of foreign funded news channel like CNN-IBN and NDTV(Founder prannoy roy, a Christian with an Hindu name), and the latest one in the list is ‘Amish tripathi’, who has shown lord Shiva as a sex-starved Himalayan tribal.  
Origin of word Hindu
Lord shiva as a sex starved Himalayan tribal

Become a Christian mercenary and propagate anti-Hindu sentiments to fund your news channel or business. Don’t you watch Anti-Modi propaganda by foreign funded news channel? Many ignorant Hindus,wielding the western materialistic thoughts and comforts,  join such missionaries and bludgeon followers of Hinduism. There is only one shortcut to success and that shortcut is ‘Anti-Hindu’.  
Start you career now by tarnishing the Hindu civilization and receive ample of compensation from racist agencies for your anti-Hindu mercenary efforts.  There are no side effects. No one is going to issue a fatwa against you, or gonna kill you for your ant-Hindu speech and comments because tolerance is in the blood of Hindus.
Ooohhh!!!! Greed and materialistic comforts has taken away the dignity and moral values of Indians and has made them hypocrites and cowards of the lowest order. Despite of achieving independence, many Indians choose to be slaves of foreign missionaries and others don’t care about these enemies who decimate the cultural unity and national heritage of India. Oops!!!!Being an honest person is so difficult in this kaliyuga.  
No matter how hard such foreign missionaries continue with their cheap deeds, Hinduism will fight back because Sanatana Dharma is eternal, the only one that never began and will never end. Don’t forget that Hinduism has survived ten centuries of mughal and British brutalities though more than 100 millions Hindus were executed by such cruel rulers.  
I will conclude by saying that the word ‘Hindu’ has an Indian origin but was wrongly used to indicate ‘Natives of India’ by Persian kings.
This word was later used by mughal Empire to promote enmity between Hindus and Muslims. British used this word to create friction between different religious group, in accordance to their divide and rule policy. Instead of calling yourself a Hindu, I would encourage you to call yourself a Sanatana-dharmist, to define your spiritual path and true character more accurately.

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