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Why lord Rama is called Maryada-Epitome of truth and discipline
Posted By Sarin on Oct 24, 2012     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Who is Ram? What is Ramayana
Ram, the name itself symbolizes courtesy, virtue, bravery, generosity, etc. Many great saints spent their whole life singing glory of lord Ram. Great Swami Vivekananda, credited for bringing Hinduism to the west said the following words about lord Rama "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king".  
Today Rama is widely accepted as “"tribal hero of ancient India" - whose incomparable deeds is well mentioned in the sacred Hindu text ‘Ramayana’, written by revered sage Valmiki. A fair insight of Ramayana's immense popularity can be taken from the fact that there are 350 unique version of Ramayana in  Hindi alone, and the name of Rama is used in many salutations among the masses like , as "Ram Ram" or "Jai Ram ji Ki",. 

Valmiki Ramayana
 In sixteenth Century under the rule 0f Mughal Empire, Tulsidas wrote a wonderful poetic version of Ramayana and called it as "Ramcharitmanas". This poetic version greatly enhanced the popularity of Rama not only in Indian devotional groups but also in many foreign devotional groups due to its high moral values and code of conduct. Later many other great saints like  Thyagaraja, Ramadas etc. sung thousands of emotional and well structured kritis well packed with Bhakti (Devotion), love, glory and music.

Lord Rama Qualities
Lord Ram was the symbol of virtues, affectionate, kind, considerate, attractive, eloquent, chivalrous and full of magnanimous personality. He was very simple, noble, forgiving, honest, sincere and completely free from flamboyance.  He always respected his elders even when they were wrong and treated all humans of different social groups equally. He never deviated from the path of Dharma and karma and responded cleverly and calmly even in dire circumstances. He never spoke a lie and always adjusted to circumstances. In short, his qualities cannot be written in mere words but I can best summarize his qualities as a man of stainless purity, praiseworthy contentment, holy compliance, commendable sacrifice and remarkable renunciation. He set an example of unmatched model behavior and moral conduct. He showed the human beings how to lead a life with all the virtues and this is the reason why he is called as Maryada Purushottam (perfect man). Maryada means the limitations or discipline or customs/Traditions or complete observances of rules while Purushottam means the best amongst men. 
Lord Ram was the only person in this world who respected this power of every creation/creature. He was on many occasions in a position to undermine this power, but he never did it in spite of temptations. In spirituality, world this power which is the very basis of existence of the creatures and creations is known as 'Dharm'. In the eyes of religious people this respect to the inherent power of creature/creations is the respect to the universe and respect to the 'dharma'. Parabrahm had created this universe and endowed powers to all. Lord Rama being incarnation of Parabrahm thus respects its own creation. This respect to dharma shown by Lord Rama is called as Maryada. Lord Rama being the best of all humans is also titled as 'Maryada Purushottam'

Maryada puroshattam with his four brothers, wife Sita and greatest devotee of all times ‘Lord Hanuman’
Let us now see his qualities in details to give you an idea on why he is unparallel, unequal and best of all humans
Ideal Son  
Sage Tulsidas said “No Father/Mother can get a son like Ram”. Even Dasrath, Father of Ram loved him so much that he gave up his life after being separated from his son. When lord Ram broke Lord shiva bow in sita swayamwar ceremony then king janak requested Ram to take Sita with him to his kingdom. Rama Answered politely “I am Son of Dasrath, king of ayodhya. I cannot accept her until my parents accepts her and find her suitable for me. So, kindly send your messenger to get their approval”

Sita offering Garland to ram to complete his swayamvar ceremony post getting approval from king King Dasrath
Since lord Ram was the eldest of all brothers, he was the sole contender of royal throne of ayodhya. Kaikeyi wanted her son Bharat to become king and so, she ordered King Dasrath to banish Ram for 14 years and reminded him of not breaking the promise he gave to her. King dasrath tried his best of stopping Ram but Ram said “I cannot break our family tradition of keeping promise”. He requested her father to grant him permission to go on 14 years exile punishment”. So, he is also known as Ekvachani (honouring one's promise).  Even on hearing his step mother punishment, Ram didn’t show any anger. Instead, he praised kaikeyi for giving him an opportunity of serving forest sages. He followed her words honestly and faithfully and gave her the same respect as he gave to his own mother kaushalya. When Lakshmana, his younger brother expressed anger and displeasure on kaikeyi punishment, Ram pacified him and told him to obey as a dutiful son. Just to honor the Ishvaku (Ram dynasty) tradition of keeping promise, Sri Ram Sacrificed his royal throne for the sake of his step mother and brother Bharat. When Lakshman forced ram to let him accompany in his 14 years exile, Ram requested Shatrughan and Bharath to stay in ayodhya and look after their parents.
After Ravana death, when dasrath appeared in the sky and requested ram to ask for boons then Rama only said “O father, forgive my mother Kaikeyi”
Ideal Husband
One of his revered qualities was Ekpatni (having only one  wife). Those times kings had the norms of having more wives so as to expand their kingdom but lord ram promised Sita that “she will be his only wife”. So, he is also known as Eka patni vratha dhara.
In those eras, demons had magical powers and on seeing a golden deer, Ram immediately realized that the golden deer is some demon. But when Sita intensely desired to have a close look on that deer, Ram immediately took his bow and arrow to kill that demoniac deer.

Sita requesting Ram to bring golden Deer
Ideal King
During Shriram's rule, everyone was given justice and not even a single person belonging to the lowest class of citizens, was treated unjustly in his kingdom. The direct meaning of this is  complete  control over the five motor organs, five sensory organs, intellect, subconscious mind and ego.
Guha was a tribal king yet Sri Ram embraced him. He established unity among people of all social status by breaking numerous social barriers like sharing meal with Shabaras, freeing Devi Ahilya from sage Gautama curse etc.

Lord Rama, lakshman and tribal villager ‘Shabri’
  His respect for lower tribes forged alliances and brought unity across the four directions of his kingdom, well reflected in his exile travel and friendship with Vanaras, tribals, Demons etc.  
  For a king, interest of his subjects overrides the interest of his family. So, when he got the feedback that his citizens doubt the chastity and purity of Sita, then lord ram ordered Sita to undergo Agni pariksha Test. Personally Ram knew about Sita innocence but as a king, he cannot go against the will of his citizens. Moreover, he also wanted to establish the idealism of a king by showing that the king should work in the interest of his nation and should not become a slave to a woman like his father did. By ordering his wife for agni pariksha test, he did more sacrifice in living an ascetic life and suffered more than Devi Sita did.

Agni Pariksha as shown in television serial Ramayana
During his reign, many impure souls (Demons) harassed Sages performing yagnas and other Vedic rituals. Lord ram protected all Sages and gave the message to all kings to be fearless, selfless, impartial, courageous and free from desire.
  His kingdom became popular as Ram-Rajya, a synonym for a harmonious, peaceful, prosperous, secure and ideal state.
Ideal Disciple:
Ram completed his education in a small ashram of Sage Vaisistha, far away from the royal family. While completing his education, he followed all orders of his guru (Teacher) and did all small tasks which a royal prince cannot even think of. Even after guarding and protecting a yagna of maharishi vishvamitra for seven days without sleeping, Ram and lakshman requested Sage vishwamitra for further orders.
Ideal Enemy
As per Dharma, an unfit and cruel king can be killed deceptively if left with no other choice. Bali abducted his brother 'sugreev' wife and refused to accept him on any conditions. Also, when Ravana abducted Sita and went through his kingdom, it was his duty to stop Ravana. He failed to do his duty of stopping Ravana inspite of being more capable, stronger and having defeated ravana before. Bali didn’t follow the duty of kingship since he didn’t stop crimes happening in his lands. Ram also had to fulfill her promise (Given to Sugreev) of killing Bali. Because of all this reasons, Ram though it is in the best interest to kill king BALI. So, Rama became the judiciary and gave him death punishment. At the end, Bali was convinced by lord ram actions still he takes the oath of killing Rama in his next human avatar (i.e. Krishna).  

Bali questioning Rama while his Wife ‘Tara’, Hanuman and lakhsman watches
Ram requested Ravana multiple times to liberate Sita through messengers. He gave him ample of opportunities of defending himself. When Ravana came to the battle unprepared, he sent him back and asked him to come the next day well prepared. When vibhisan denied performing last rituals of Ravana dead body, Lord Ram requested him to perform the last rites and called Ravan as his own brother. He crowned his enemy (Ravana) brother Vibheesan king of lanka. He also crowned his enemy (Bali) son Angad, the king of kishkandha
Ideal friend
Ram accepted friendship of enemy brother Vibhesan without any condition. If I was in Ram's place, I would have ordered many spies to supervise his actions.
Though a bird, he did last rites of Garuda (Eagle)
Respected and treated his friend and greatest devotee hanuman like his own brother ‘Bharat’
Served animals like Vulture (Jataka) & Squirrel like his human friend.  

Lord Rama serving Jatayu
Made friends and forged alliances not only with Humans but also with animals (Hanuman, jambavaan, Sugreeva, etc), Birds (jataayu and sampati), and demons ( Vibheeshana) too.

Ideal Brother
Before leaving the kingdom, he advised Bharat on how to run the kingdom in the interest of his citizens. When Lakshman tried to attack Bharat thinking he came to kill Rama, rama said “I cannot even imagine living in this earth without my 3 brothers.
After meeting Ram in Exile, when Bharat started expressing his anger on kaikeyi cheap tactics, Rama ordered him to not blame his mother.  
When Lakshmana didn’t Follow his brother words and let Sita alone which resulted in his abduction, instead of expressing anger on his brother, he hugged him.
When Lakshman was seriously injured by meghnath arrow then Rama expressed his grief as “In the whole universe, no one can never find a brother like Lakshman. How will I live without my brother? “

Hanuman bring Sanjeevani Buti while Rama express his grief and sorrow
Ideal god
Unlike lord Krishna, lord ram never showed his Godly figure, divine powers and limited himself s a simple human being. He would have crossed the ocean, would have defeated Ravan with his divine weapons and would have liberated Sita but to spread the message that even a simple human being can defeat mighty demon ravana, he took the help of animals, birds, etc in his fight against Ravana and made very limited use of his divine powers.
After killing Ravana, when all the deities came forward to venerate lord ram and said that He was lord Vishnu than sri rama said ''I don’t know all that. I am just a man, son of dasaratha, brother of laxman''
  He followed his best in limiting himself as a simple human being and so, he is rightly called as Maryada purshottam

Meaning of Ramayana 
The implied meaning of Ramayana in our life is:  
  Lakshman refers to the enlightenment of the soul, instead of getting stuck in worldly desires.
Bharat signifies a seeker wrapped in the worship of radiance.  
Shatrughna refers to one who annihilates the six foes (Shadripus) of the soul.  
Rama,Lakshman and Sita together stand for spiritual knowledge,detachment and devotion respectively.  
Hanuman represents the activated Kundalini and  
Ravana represents the 6 enemies of every living entity which are attachment,anger,vanity,desire, greed, and envy.

Why dussherra
Lord ram is known for his kindness and extreme patience. He never diverted from the path of truth. And always gave the message “Truth and right path always achieve victory over evil”.
Because of such qualities, Lord Rama is not treated as a hero, but as a god by the Hindus and his event of defeating Mighty demon Ravana is celebrated every year in dussherra.
In this Kaliyuga, people are so much involved in materialistic enjoyment that their mind lost the true meaning of responsibilities and duties. Their mind is totally involved in selfishness, greed, and falsehood which are the pre-defined qualities of Kaliyuga-the Iron Age, where the whole atmosphere is filled with evil acts.  
  In Today’s world, corrupt politicians are Raavan but unfortunately, we don’t have any ram to defeat this Raavan. Only Way to defeat this Raavan is that the common man take the initiative of becoming Ram which will not be possible unless there is unity amongst all Indians with a common goal of eradicating Corruption.  It is very easy to write and say but very difficult to follow. I don’t think what I have written above is going to happen because humans are very weak and they easily fall prey to greed, ego, self pride, arrogance, Materialistic desires etc. However, we can still hope for the best and pray to lord ram for his blessings and well being of Mother earth.

Wishing all of you a very Dussherra

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