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Different Strings Format for numbers
Posted By Sarin on Mar 10, 2012     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Different Strings Format for numbers

Specifier Description Effect of Precision Specifier
C or c Formats the number as a monetary value including the correct number of decimal places and the appropriate currency symbol for the user's local setting Specifies a fixed number of decimal places.
D or d Formats integers only as simple whole numbers. Specifies the minimum number of digits.  Leading zeroes are added if required.
E Formats numbers using exponential notation <>.  The resultant string includes an upper case letter 'E'.Specifies a fixed number of decimal places for the mantissa.  If omitted, six decimal places are used. 
e Formats numbers using exponential notation.  The resultant string includes an lower case letter 'e'. Specifies a fixed number of decimal places for the mantissa.  If omitted, six decimal places are used.
F or f Formats numbers using fixed point notation. Specifies a fixed number of decimal places.
G or g Formats numbers using either exponential or fixed point notation, whichever produces the shortest string.  The actual results vary according to the data type being converted and whether a precision specifier is used. See 'e', 'E' and 'F or f'.
N or n Formats numbers using fixed point notation with thousands separators. Specifies a fixed number of decimal places.
P or p Formats numbers using percentage notation.  For example, 0.25 is formatted as 25%. Specifies a fixed number of decimal places.
R or r Formats numbers using Round-Trip Format.  This is a special format that ensures that the string generated can be converted back to the original number using Parse methods. Unused.
X Converts numbers into a string representation of their hexadecimal value.  The digits 0 to 9 and A to F are used. Specifies the minimum number of digits.  Leading zeroes are added if required.
x Converts numbers into a string representation of their hexadecimal value.  The digits 0 to 9 and a to f are used. Specifies the minimum number of digits.  Leading zeroes are added if required


Snapshot showing commonly used string formats
Formatting Currency:
  double dNumber = 123456.789;
// display two digit after decimal point which is default
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
// output: $ 123,456.78
// display four digit after decimal point which is default
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("C6", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
// output: $ 123,456.789000

Formatting Integers
int iNumber = 123;
// output: 123
// append zero at left till the number become of six digits
// output: 000123
            iNumber = -12345;
// output: -12345
// append zero at left till the number become of seven digits
// output: -0012345

Formats numbers using exponential notation <>
       Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("E", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 1.234568E+005
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("E5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 1.23457E+005
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("e6", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 1.234568e+005

Format number to fixed point notation
dNumber = 9876.5432;
// display two digit after decimal point which is default
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("F", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 9876.54
// display three digit after decimal point
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("F3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output:  9876.543
// do not display decimal point
            dNumber = -9876.5432;
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: -9877
// display five digit after comma (comma instead of decimal point is format for france)
// output: -9876,54320    

Format number using either exponential notation <> or fixed point notation
dNumber = 9876.5432;
// display the number in the culture indepenedent format
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 9876.5432;
// display the number in the swedish culture format
// output: 9876,5432
// display the first seven digit of the number
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("G7", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 9876.543
            dNumber = .0000965;
// since there is more than 4 zero after decimalpoint, number will be displayed in exponential format
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 9.65E-05
// More than 4 zero after decimalpoint, So number will be displayed in exponential format as per the swedish culture
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("G",         CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("sv-SE")));
// output: 9,65E-05
             dNumber =
// display the exponential value upto five digits
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("G5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 2.7183    

Formats numbers using fixed point notation with thousands separators.
dNumber = -74965.7249;
// display the exponential value upto five digits
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Displays -74,965.72
// display the exponential value upto five digits
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ru-RU")));
// Displays -74 965,7
// display the exponential value upto five digits
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("N5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Displays 74,956.72490  

Formats numbers using percentage notation
dNumber = .7857302;
// display the number in percentage format independent of culture
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("P", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 78.57 %
// display the number in percentage format of denmark culture
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("P", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de-DE")));
// output: 78,57%  
// display the number in percentage format upto one decimal point independent of culture
Console.WriteLine(dNumber.ToString("P1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// output: 78.6%  

Formats numbers using Round-Trip notation
dNumber = Math.PI;
//  display the number till the first two digit is repeated again. 31 in this case
// Displays 3.1415926535897931
//  display the number till the first two digit is repeated again using french culture
// Displays 3,1415926535897931

Formats numbers using hexadecimal notation
  iNumber = 0x2045e;
// Display the hexadecimal number. Since case of format specifier is lowercase, value is also shown in lowercase
// Displays 2045e
// Display the hexadecimal number. Since case of format specifier is Uppercase, value is also shown in Uppercase
// Displays 2045E
// Display the hexadecimal number. Value will be shown till 8 digits
// Displays 0002045E
            iNumber = 123456789;
// Display the hexadecimal equivalent of the integer
// Displays 75BCD15


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