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How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
Posted By Sarin on Mar 20, 2014     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

In the preceding few articles, we have been discussing on the significance of AUM. If you haven’t read those articles, kindly go through the below links
AUM-The most sacred sound of the universe
AUM- the primordial sound that creates this universe
How chanting AUM or mantra changes your DNA
In this article, we will understand scientifically how Chanting AUM can change your DNA? How you can change your body forms by chanting AUM? How sound vibrations affect our body and DNA and many more. To understand the content of this article, kindly go through the below post to know the latest experiments on wave genetics
Wave genetics proves Darwin theory of evolution wrong
Already I wrote many articles to disregard Darwin theory of evolution. Some of them are Was Darwin right in his theory of evolution
Modern research on DNA and amino acid disregard Darwin theory of evolution
Darwin evolutionary theory v/s Hindu evolutionary theory
How darwin was wrong on Natural selection and genetic mutations
There is no evolution, only transmigartion of souls
Research on Wave genetics gives more evidences that falsify the basic concept of Darwin evolutionary theory. As discussed in above experiments, environmental changes forces DNA to change its genetic code and make the body adapt to the new environment. But this is not natural as stated in Darwin theory of evolution. This represents an intelligent design where the human DNA has been coded by creator to communicate with the external environment and adapt itself to the changing environment. Hence Darwin theory of genetic mutation is definitely wrong because it is the DNA that plays behind the scene to create new species depending upon the atmosphere that is lying around.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
Experiment proves this universe as a design of an intelligent creator
Latest experiments on wave genetics came as a hard blow to scientists who have been thinking this universe as a natural formed entity and not the manifestation of an intelligent creator. While there were several flaws in Darwin theory of genetic mutation, theory of wave genetics is certainly flawless and therefore, scientists have an uphill task in proving that there is no intelligent creator behind the design of this universe. Also read Is this universe an intelligent design of the creator
How our body organs are held together by an intelligent force
In our body system, several atoms combine together as molecules by conscious morphogenetic field to create DNA, cells, tissues, body organs and finally our gross body structure. Just like the spider creates the web field, our internal consciousness creates morphogenetic field to produce proteins, juice, food etc to nurture our cell, tissues, brain, and internal body system. Thus, Existence of this whole universe is because of conscious morphogenetic field of Brahman (God).  
Each of our body organs are constructed because of such morphogenetic consciousness field (M fields). Development of small sperm into developed body parts like eyes, ears, hands, nose etc is because of the scientific process called Morphogenesis. Morphogenesis in scientific term means the intelligent formation of tissues, cells, organs and developed body parts from minute life forming particles. Morphogenetic field is the field of consciousness just like gravitational field and electromagnetic field is the field of gravitation and electromagnetism respectively. This intelligent conscious morphogenetic field system is the reason how the biological sperm of any species guides the formation of new member of the same species and not any other species. Information encoded in biological sperm creates consciousness fields that are immeasurable by modern scientific instruments.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra  

Our body in mother embryo is created by sound waves
Even our body parts are constructed because of such morphogenetic consciousness field (M fields). Development of small sperm into developed body parts like eyes, ears, hands, nose etc is because of the scientific process called Morphogenesis. Morphogenesis in scientific term means the intelligent formation of tissues, cells, organs and developed body parts from minute life forming particles. Morphogenetic field is the field of consciousness just like gravitational field and electromagnetic field is the field of gravitation and electromagnetism respectively.
Each atom of our body produces sound vibrations
Each molecules, cells, organs and glands of our body vibrates at a certain frequency. Seven Chakras is the focal point of all electromagnetic fields. Cymatics proves that sound can create mental and physical change in the human body. Some may have a temporary effect and some may be permanent.  
Sound vibrations and DNA change is the path to enlightenment
Even the stage of enlightenment is because of morphogenetic fields. Seven spiraling Chakras that represent the various stages of enlightenment are because of conscious morphogenetic fields.  
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
During the stage of enlightenment, conscious morphogenetic field changes the flow of electrons in such a way that our two stranded DNA becomes twelve stranded DNA. This twelve stranded DNA make our body independent of the universe. Our body system is no longer affected to the outer happening of the universe. With twelve stranded DNA, Our body system remains unaffected to cold, heat, wind, fire etc.

How DNA controls our genes and body forms
Our genes are totally controlled by DNA. Genes in spiritual terms is the Akashic records of our inner self and its connection with the higher self. Communication happens when electromagnetic field of DNA overlaps with the other. This can be easily understood by the scientific theory of overlapping magnetic fields. This overlapping of magnetic fields is used in many electronic devices to transfer information from one component to the other.  
Modify life forms on earth by sound vibrations
In Vedas, it is said that supreme Brahman (God) can modify life forms on earth just by reorganizing sound waves or retransmitting modified sound waves in the environment. Though very difficult to verify, latest scientific experiment do hint of such possibility. Since Vedas says that universal Creation by sound waves involves transcendental reality that cannot be understood by our illusionary mundane senses but by spiritual perfection and enlightenment, it is almost impossible to verify the creation of this universe by vibrating sound waves. It should not be surprising that the universal laws of creation is kept inaccessible from normal humans and is revealed to only those who strived hard for spiritual perfection.
This confirms our ancient scriptures and existence of demons/Devas
If transformation of DNA is possible, then the changing of body forms by demons/sages through chanting of some sacred mantras is also possible as it is stated precisely in many ancient Indian texts. Why the demon Maricha of World oldest epic ‘Ramayana’ cannot transform itself into a golden deer? Why hanuman cannot change increase or decrease his body forms by chanting some mantras or by saying ‘Jai shree Ram’? Also read Why hanuman is the only savior of this age- kaliyuga and
How hanuman flew at the speed of 660 km per hr
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
Lord Hanuman-Taller than the mountain

How ancient sages and demigods were able to change their body forms?
Scientists observed that certain frequency patterns from the laser beam damages chromosomes and cells of the body. These damaged cells are then repaired naturally by DNA with no use of external equipment or procedures.  
Garjajev’s research highlights the importance of correct frequency to induce reaction from DNA. He explained enlightened mystics would vibrate their DNA at exceptionally high frequency through their thoughts and subtle chants. Such mystics have the power to direct their energies at a certain point thus demonstrating magical events like telepathy and changing forms.  

Science validates massive energy in sound vibrations
One of the conflicts between science and religion is because religious thoughts cannot be proved by science. AUM is one of such exceptional cases where the spiritual truth can be proven by scientific experiments.
Even science confirms the existence of massive energies in sound vibrations. Singing opera loudly creates such a destructive negative energy that it breaks the thick glass very easily. If we think negatively and murmur negative thoughts, it will create negative energy that hampers our growth and progress.
Projecting the sound AUM on earth surface of desert areas helps in finding the water beneath the surface. NASA uses specially designed instruments that generate 423 hertz frequency in their space shuttles.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra  

AUM represents our thoughts/words
Every thought twinkling in your mind can be expressed in words or sounds. i.e Thoughts are inseparable to its relationship with words/sounds. Same thoughts can be expressed in permutation and combinations of various words or sounds. Though the words/sounds vary, its relationship with the thoughts remains the same as all of such combinations of words/sounds convey the same meaning/thoughts. AUM symbol is universally regarded as the sacred symbol as there is the real connection between this symbol and the thoughts emanating from our mind. This should not be surprising as every thought created in the mind causes the movement of various atom and molecules inside the brain and others part of the body.

Our thinking affects Sound vibrations inside the body
Even science confirms the existence of massive energies in sound vibrations. Singing opera loudly creates such a destructive negative energy that it breaks the thick glass very easily.  
Similarly, mantras were chanted by sages to invoke the deities to shower rain on earth in case of deficient rainfall. Similarly, the words we chant in our mind create positive or negative energies that directly affect our welfare and overall progress. If we think negatively and murmur negative thoughts, it will create negative energy that hampers our growth and progress.
We are responsible for whatever happens to us. What we are today is because of our past actions, whatever that follows from now shall be the affect of your present actions.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
Humans have the power to influence the universal existence
How the thought of itching your back actually forces the fingers to itch your back? You may say all the scientific blah blah!!! You would say about the flow of various electrical and biological signals that flow from brain to various parts of the body but it doesn’t answers my question exactly. You told your fingers to itch and it did. This means mind influencing matter is a daily phenomenon. This also means your mind has the power to influence the movements of all matters of this universe.
Our intent and desires changes matters of the universe
This when combined with Masaru Emoto experiment of water reacting to light and sound waves reveals the extraordinary supreme functioning of this universe under the control of the intelligent creator. IT may be possible that it is not the sound waves but the intent/thoughts of the observer influencing the water to take desired crystallized form as per our desires.
Unconditional love is the foundation of all universal creation
Unconditional love is the most powerful of all emotions and the only one to induce transcendental behavior in DNA. When one loves all human beings without any condition, he transcends the physical limitations of this materialistic universe. This has also forced the scientists to experiment what the Vedic sages have been saying since ages-i.e if Thoughts and intentions creates reality.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra
Reality of the world lies in your DNA
How negative emotions affects out body and future?
Our emotions, feelings and thoughts also vibrate in the form of electromagnetic waves that shapes our material reality.  
Effects of emotions on the body can be seen daily in the realistic world. For EX: A mother gently tapping her crying child to elicit a calmer, positive reaction from the child. IF the same mother screams at the child, child may scream even louder and stronger and would invariably affect the child mentally and physiologically.
Music, singing and dancing is good for the soul
Listening music, singing, dancing and chanting are some of the mediums through which the one yearns for the satisfaction of the soul. Westerners heard the AUM sound for the first time in 1968 in Moody Blues Album named "In Search of the Lost Chord". People who don’t believe in the divine effect of chanting mantras should listen to this song.

Additionally, have a look at Kirlean photography for more stunning information.
How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra

Scientist fails to acknowledge natural intelligence
This universe is a biological mega network (like our wireless technology) where every entity communicates with other entity or surroundings in some coded language which our sensory organs are unable to perceive. While scientists are boasting high on their artificial intelligence, they have failed to understand natural intelligence that is billions of year old and millions of times more complex than the so called artificial intelligence. This natural intelligence has the capability to produce new organism or species which our artificial intelligence has not been able to do as they don’t have the intelligence to create new system that adapts to dangerous events or natural calamities.  

Thus, we saw how one can change his body forms by chanting AUM? How sound vibrations affect our body and DNA? How the negative thoughts and emotions affect our soul? Thus, each cell and DNA of our body communicates with the environment in the form of sound waves. This is how, chanting AUM achieves self-realization by transforming your two-stranded DNA to twelve stranded DNA thus letting you communicate with the outer world.

I would like to end by advising "Everyone out there, Come on the floor and chant AUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" :)
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