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Ge the total number of HTML elements in a page
Posted By Sarin on Feb 03, 2013     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

Often there is a need to find out the total number of instances of a particular HTML tag. For example, my requirement may be to find out the total number of paragraph element in a page and if the total number of paragraph element is 2, than there would be some custom logic to execute. We can do this very easily using a chunk of JQuery code.
JQuery has an inbuilt method called size which let you find out the number of instances of a particular HTML element. For example, below JQuery code will replace the HTML content of all paragraph elements with a custom message which will print out the number of paragraph element in a page.
$('p'). html('There are ' + $('p').size() + ' link(s) on this page.');

I can also filter out the HTML element. For example, below JQuery code will replace the HTML content of all paragraph elements with id not equal to 'pTitle' by the number of instances of paragraph element having title equal to ‘Ra’.
$('p').not(document.getElementById('pTitle')).html('There are ' + $('p[title=Ra]').size() + ' link(s) on this page.');

The same functionality can be achieved as
  $('p[id != "pTitle"]').html('There are ' + $('p[title=Ra]').size() + ' link(s) on this page.');

In my demo, I have declared few paragraph elements and one button. On click of the button, I would replace the HTML content of all paragraph elements with id not equal to pTitle by the number of instances of paragraph elements with title equal to ‘Ra’. Below is the HTML code.
<input id="first" type="button" value="first" /> 
<strong>Hare Rama</strong>
<p title="Ra" id="pTitle">Hare Rama</p>
<p>Rama Rama</p>

  $(document).ready(function ()  {
                $('#first').click(function ()  {
                    $('p[id != "pTitle"]').html('There are ' + $('p[title=Ra]').size() + ' link(s) on this page.');
On executing the above code, I get the output as:

As shown above, on the click of the button, the HTML content of the paragraph element having title not equal to pTitle got changed.  
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